Seen in-store
what are the displays most appreciated by shoppers in April 2019?

Augustin Rudigoz

Augustin Rudigoz

14 may 2019

Let's look at the most impressive displays seen in-store in April 2019.

🐰🍫 Easter

Strong store time: Easter! Coca-Cola, Lindt and Kinder have made strong and impressive displays.

Publix, Wellington (USA)

Auchan, Aubière (France)

Leclerc, Pau (France)

Carrefour, Bercy (France)

☀️🤞 Summer is coming soon with fresh drinks!

We're all waiting for the sun! Brands are ready: the juices Oasis and the beers Fischer, Grimbergen and Heineken.

Leclerc, Bellerive-sur-Allier (France)

Intermarché, Morteau (France)

Intermarché, Morteau (France)

Alcampo, Madrid (Spain)

💚 Shop-in-shop by Nestlé BIO

This shop-in-shop is 100% Nestlé BIO to discover all products from the organic product range.

Carrefour, Collégien (France)


The 3 brands: La Fallue de Mamie Normandie, Coca-Cola and Redbull have presented their products in an original way to stand out.

Auchan, Fontenay-Sous-Bois (France)

Edeka, Esslenger Weiensberg (Germany)

Jumbo, Tilburg (Netherlands)

💛 Games

It was the game's month with Ricard and Lipton to win a car or a plane ticket.

Carrefour, Lieu Saint (France)

Carrefour, Wepion (France)

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